How to transfer followers between Mastodon accounts

When moving from one Mastodon account to another, you can take your followers with you. Here's how!


Moving your followers

On your new account

  1. Go to PreferencesAccountAccount settings
  2. Find the section “Moving from a different account” near the bottom and click “create an account alias

    Screenshot of the aforementioned section with the 'Create an account alias' link highlighted
  3. Enter the handle of your old account (e. g., note that it has to be without an @ in front of your username) in the input field and hit “Create alias

    Screenshot of the input field filled with ''

On your old account

  1. Go to PreferencesAccountAccount settings
  2. Find the section “Move to a different account” near the bottom and click “configure it here

    Screenshot of the aforementioned section with the 'Configure it here' link highlighted
  3. Enter the handle of your new account and your password in the input fields and hit “Move followers

    Screenshot of the aforementioned section

This might take a while – if you plan to delete your old account, make sure the transfer is complete first.

Note that the above procedure will only move your followers. Your new account will not automatically re-follow your previously followed users, but you can import them as explained below.

Re-following your followed users

On your old account

  1. Go to PreferencesImport and exportData export
  2. Find the “Follows” row and click “CSV” to download a list of your followed accounts

    Screenshot of the row with the 'CSV' link highlighted

On your new account

  1. Go to PreferencesImport and exportImport
  2. Select “Following list” in the dropdown menu and tick the “Merge” box
  3. Select the previously downloaded CSV and hit “Upload

    Screenshot of the aforementioned section

This can also be done with lists, blocks, mutes and bookmarks.

Happy tooting! 🐘💨